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How do I upload custom maps to an external server? (Source gameservers)


If you want to use unoriginal (so called custom maps) or other unoriginal media-files such as sound files on our servers you have to upload these to an external server compressed in .bz2 format. In addition to this you have to upload the file uncompressed to the right folder on the gameserver. It's important that you arrange the folders in the same folder structure on the external server as it is on the gameserver.

 In this guide you are learning how to upload custom maps but it can also be used as a guide for how to upload other types of customized files such as sound files. Remember that these have to be uploaded to their right maps.

Helpdesk will provide you with the information you need to log on to the external server.

We have provided two set of instructions here. One short for you that are familiar with FTP and compression tools and one detailed for more inexperienced users.


Short instructions

This is the short version if you are familiar with file compression tools and FTP programs.

  1. Compress the map file to the bzip2 format with a file  compression tool.
  2.  Then upload it to the external server with a FTP program. Remember to upload it to the folder /maps.

Detailed instructions

You will need two free programs for this. One FTP program for transferring the files and one program to compress files.

Filezilla FTP program to upload files. Filezilla can you download here.

 7-Zip for compressing files you can find here.


Here are links to videos on Youtube that shows you how to use Filezilla and 7-Zip.

Filezilla tutorial you can find here.

7-Zip tutorial you can find here.

TIP: You can search for Filezilla and 7-Zip on youtube to find more tutorials.


  1. First you upload the uncompressed .bsp file to the gameserver. Log on to your Gameserver control panel.
  2. In the filemanager make sure that you have the /maps folder open in the right window.
  3. Choose upload from the menu above. Then use the file dialogue box that appears to find the uncompressed map (.bsp) file that you wish to upload. Click ok and after a little while the file is uploaded to the gameserver.
  4. Now it's time to compress the map file (.bsp) to the bzip2 compression file format with the help of 7-Zip. Watch the Youtube tutorials above to learn how to do this. NOTE: It's very important that you choose the format: bzip2. Leave all other settings in 7-Zip to their default settings. Click ok and after a little while you have made a compressed copy of the mapfile with the .bz2 suffix.
  5. Uploading of compressed .bz2 file to external server.
    Start Filezilla. Under the top menu in Filezilla there are three fields that you must fill in the login information to the external server. This fields are: Host, Username, Password and Port. This information will be provided to you by helpdesk. After you have filled in the correct information click the button to the right named Quickconnect and if everything is filled in correctly you will be connected to the external server in a moment. The right window in Filezilla shows the contents of the external server and the left one the contents of your local computer.
  6. Creation of folder structure.
    When you are first connected the top level on the external server equals the same level on the gameserver where the folders /maps, /cfg, /addons and so on is. If you miss a folder on the external server you can create one by clicking with your right mouse button while your mouse pointer is in the right window. Then choose Create directory in the context menu that pops up and write i.e. maps , cfg or what ever name of the new folder you need. Then double click on it to open it.
  7.  Uploading.
    In the left window of Filezilla navigate to the folder where you saved the compressed map file in step 4, then click once on this so it will be marked blue and with your mouse pointer still hovering over the marked file right click with your mouse and choose upload from the context menu. After a while, depending on the size of your file it will be finished uploaded on the external server. A good tip is to delete versions of maps you never use to preserve diskspace and to maintain a good overview.
  8. Preparation on the gameserver for the new map.
    For the gameserver to recognise that there is a new custom map uploaded and ready for use it's easiest just to restart the server.
  9. Test of the map installation.
    To verify that everything is working right try to change to the new map with i.e. Sourcemod admin menu. When the gameserver changes to the newly installed map it will automatically be downloaded from the external server to all new players that are connected and to new  that connects to the gameserver when this map is running.



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Article details
Article ID: 29
Category: Customization
Date added: 2013-07-09 16:03:11
Views: 881
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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